# Player Centric RTS
## Introduction
Hey, my Name is Daniel. I'm 20 years old, live in switzerland and I'm an intermediate Unity Developer. I work as an Application Engineer and In my studies to become a Diplom. engineer application engineering.
Since I have one day per week where I'm not working my regular job, I have more time to work on my future dream job which is game development.
With this time I'd like to get some games published to be able to apply to a game studio after my studies.
I first want to make sure my game idea is feasible for a ~6 month MVP.
## Basic Idea
It is a RTS, but you don't see the whole map, you control a hero-like character and the camera is fixed onto it.
They player can then build structures and recruite troops.
The map is always a procedurally generated island. That consists of multiple so called **Empire Points** which a player can capture. Every empire point has a specific region that it unlocks. You can only build on regions that emipire point you own.
The player can die unlimited times, as long as he has a emipre point left. After losing his last empire point and dying he will lose the game, the remaining players will continue until one player wins.
One match consists of about 8 players.
More infos in the workflowy document at the top.
## Roles looking for
### Game Designer
I'm looking for a game designer that has a bit of experience with preferably rts games.
With him I will mainly discuss the systems and improve the current concept.
### Visual 2D Artist
Ofcourse the game needs some art. The game is 2D. There is no prefered art style. Just show me what you got.
### Programmer
I'd like to have a second programmer besides me to increase the products quality through code reviews. What you should bring is ofcourse experience in C# and Unity. Perfect would be some real time networking knowledge with probably Photon PUN.
## Interested?
join the discord: https://discord.gg/yG3Cgzu