Preferred Playtimes
UTC +10 (AEST)
Evenings 4-8pm
Nights 8-12pm
Questions & Answers
10 of 10 answered
Q1 Are you actively looking to create a video game?
"But sometime into the future, I would like to try making a game."
Q2 Are you actively looking to create a tabletop game?
"And don't plan to."
Q3 Do you actively play games on 'retro' consoles?
"Because i don't own any."
Q4 Do you play games competitively?
Q5 Are you looking for a group? (guild, clan, etc.)
"Just a group of people I can play games with. Mostly Rocket League and Osu!"
Q6 Do you stream online?
No, but I want to
Q7 Do you prefer to play with people online or in person?
Q8 Do you compete in gaming tournaments?
No, but I want to
Q9 Do you prefer multiplayer or singleplayer?
No preference
"It all depends on what I'm feeling like."
Q10 Do you want to play games all day every day?
I already do
"Soon to change to a couple of hours a day haha."
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