I like to play League of Legends, but I don't like to play seriously. Most of the day my connection isn't that great. So I try to play whenever it seems to not lag, and while I'm not studying or doing any serious business.
I rarely play ranked games, because I prefer to have fun on the game not playing with people dying to win that single game, also because I lag sometimes. And I prefer to test different builds and champions, learning new stuff instead of just being the best at one single champ/build.
Anyway I'm more used to play top laners like nasus, sion, udyr, mordekaiser, mundo. Sometimes I play nasus mid or katarina, these being the ones I'm less bad at. I don't like playing riven, and what I like the most is testing new builds or techniques on champions that aren't played very much and result in the silliest of games. Winning a game with guinsoo mundo is 10x more fun than with a serious/tryhard darius pusher.