Preferred Playtimes
UTC -6 (CST)
Afternoons 12-4pm
Evenings 4-8pm
Nights 8-12pm
Questions & Answers
10 of 10 answered
Q1 Are you actively looking to create a video game?
Q2 Are you actively looking to create a tabletop game?
Q3 Do you actively play games on 'retro' consoles?
"Selection is limited on my PS3, however, as most of my games got stolen from me."
Q4 Do you play games competitively?
No, but I want to
"Always looking to get into a comp scene in games I'm familiar with. It's just a matter of time and energy."
Q5 Are you looking for a group? (guild, clan, etc.)
Q6 Do you stream online?
No, but I want to
"My internet is pretty bad, but I'd definitely be down to join someone's stream"
Q7 Do you prefer to play with people online or in person?
Q8 Do you compete in gaming tournaments?
"Mostly just Magic: the Gathering"
Q9 Do you prefer multiplayer or singleplayer?
"Playing with yourself isn't as fun as it was when I was a teen."
Q10 Do you want to play games all day every day?
"Damn jobs."
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